Come See Me, and some of my artwork… in my neighborhood.
My friend and fabulous real estate agent, Nikki, is downsizing and moving 3 blocks away so is opening her house in Applewood to neighbors, friends & art enthusiasts. My artwork will be on display in her hip home. Stop by after work for a refreshment.
June 13th from 5-7 pm
Nikki and Ray Ragonese
2215 Eldridge St
Golden, CO 80401
 This Painting is an adolescent
How Paintings are Like Adolescents -The Growth of a Painting
I often find myself referring to my paintings as in the “adolescent stage” and I thought it might be interesting to discuss how a painting “grows up” in my studio.
I tend to work several paintings at a time. Before I begin, I check in with myself intuitively and choose colors I’d like to use and a feeling I’d like to portray in the painting. I mix up some paint, grab some brushes, and begin. In my layered paintings, I often start by sweeping black chunky lines and stamping thin straight lines on the canvas which provide some structure and roots which will be mostly covered over later. Then I usually want some color, so I apply a “pretty” layer of color. Sometimes, here’s where I want to stop. This is the “infant stage” of the painting – it’s a baby and babies are just so cute! We sometimes don’t want them to grow up. But most of the time, they must. Here I often let paint dry and come back later.
When I return, I work the painting some more – more colors, perhaps some neutrals. I use a variety of tools in this stage to apply paint – credit cards, the eraser-side of pencils and such, until I think I’ve ruined it! This is the “adolescent stage” of the painting and it’s not always pretty! But it is often the most crucial stage of the painting to get through. |
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